Mr. Ralf Kastner, Head of the Health Department REHA-VITALIS® is planning an individual stay for you.
With the Kastner 9-day cure, the physical and psychological aspects of metabolic disorders are fully treated. At the same time, the basis for sustained normalization of all metabolic disorders can be achieved.
Central part of the active cure is the osteopathy. It is understood as a preventive as well as a healing treatment method, which stimulates the natural reaction possibilities of the body as a whole.
The necessary treatments for the spa are available at the Reha-Vitalis Therapy Center at the Allgäuer Panoramahotel in Oberstaufen
carried out.
The treatment spectrum:
9 days of Kastner - Kur ®
Price med. Applications from € 1150, -
The labor costs required are, Bio laboratory itself
(Depending on the profile about € 90, - to € 450, -).
The med. applications consist of:
- Consultation
- Examination
- Laboratory
- Bioelectric functional testing
- Osteopathy treatment daily
- med. Training therapy with O2 training and nutrition plan.
- The med. Anamnesis is individually tailored to your health status.
The costs can be claimed by the private fund or the state aid and the
Reimbursement is based on their agreed tariff.
We assume no responsibility for the costs and therefore ask you to do so beforehand
To ask her health insurance whether a reimbursement according to the GebüH or GoÄ is guaranteed!
The invoice is v. Rehabilitation- Vitalis® Therapy Center
- med. Head of HP Ralf Kastner D.O. ®
If you are interested, please contact Reha Vitalis® directly at:
Telefon (+49) 0 83 86 / 73 72
Telefax (+49) 0 83 86 / 43 80
Email: [email protected]
With the Kastner 9-day cure, the physical and psychological aspects of metabolic disorders are fully treated. At the same time, the basis for sustained normalization of all metabolic disorders can be achieved.
Central part of the active cure is the osteopathy. It is understood as a preventive as well as a healing treatment method, which stimulates the natural reaction possibilities of the body as a whole.
The necessary treatments for the spa are available at the Reha-Vitalis Therapy Center at the Allgäuer Panoramahotel in Oberstaufen
carried out.
The treatment spectrum:
- One of the central successes of the cure is the stimulation of all metabolic processes in the organism.
- Detoxifying and detoxifying dietetic measures are consistently supported. At the same time, these measures result in an increased excretion of urine, sulfuric acid, chloride and phosphatic acid.
- The gastrointestinal area will be relieved in the medium term and will be thoroughly renovated.
- This is primarily about the disturbed functions of the intestinal flora, whereby in particular the balance between bacteria and fungi in the intestine is restored.
- In the course of the spa treatments, you will also receive specific information on your diet for the time after the cure. It is known that the T-lymphocytes can drastically increase with the skillful dosage of specific organ extracts and high-quality cell regenerates. The cure also aims to strengthen your immune system persistently.
- With strict adherence to the prescribed treatment plan even after the cure, even in many cases it is possible to completely cure skin diseases.
- The same goes for allergies!
- A further treatment goal is to significantly improve and relieve vascular diseases in the arterial and venous mold circle with the cure.
- With the cure there is the possibility to successfully stabilize the entire vegetative nervous system.
- Muscles become regularly loose and supple, joints become more flexible, and some diseases can still be prevented in time, since osteopathy, as a central part of the cure, exerts a healing influence on the internal organs. Because the osteopathic treatments release the slag substances in the body and, in conjunction with the tailor-made diet, are discharged from the body via the excretory organs.
- During the course, we also offer you the targeted treatment of all physiological malfunctions in the movement apparatus.
- The 9-day cure is an excellent choice for rehabilitation, for example, After a spinal disc surgery.
- With the Kastner - Aktiv - Kur you can experience (also preventive) treatment of urological diseases such as blisters and prostate diseases as well as bladder incontinence e.g. After operations. Here too, osteopathy may be used in addition to the medicaments intake in pre-treatment and post-treatment.
- The active cure also includes fast-acting oxygen therapy to build up performance, concentration, memory and defenses.
- At the same time, the treatment ensures the activation and dissipation of fluid accumulations throughout the entire lymph system.
- Malfunctions of the hormone system are also treated, e.g. Adjusted to possible complications in women during menopause. - All over- and under-functions of the hormone system are positively influenced.
- The Kastner cure also includes the recognition and relief of psychosomatic diseases.
- With the Kastner-Aktiv cure, the emphasis can be placed on the targeted cancer after-treatment.
9 days of Kastner - Kur ®
Price med. Applications from € 1150, -
The labor costs required are, Bio laboratory itself
(Depending on the profile about € 90, - to € 450, -).
The med. applications consist of:
- Consultation
- Examination
- Laboratory
- Bioelectric functional testing
- Osteopathy treatment daily
- med. Training therapy with O2 training and nutrition plan.
- The med. Anamnesis is individually tailored to your health status.
The costs can be claimed by the private fund or the state aid and the
Reimbursement is based on their agreed tariff.
We assume no responsibility for the costs and therefore ask you to do so beforehand
To ask her health insurance whether a reimbursement according to the GebüH or GoÄ is guaranteed!
The invoice is v. Rehabilitation- Vitalis® Therapy Center
- med. Head of HP Ralf Kastner D.O. ®
If you are interested, please contact Reha Vitalis® directly at:
Telefon (+49) 0 83 86 / 73 72
Telefax (+49) 0 83 86 / 43 80
Email: [email protected]
Allgäuer Panoramahotel / Stießberg 3 / 87534 Oberstaufen
Tel. +49 (0)8386/4920, Email: [email protected]
Tel. +49 (0)8386/4920, Email: [email protected]